Sunday, April 14, 2013

Earth Day Project

Since Earth Day is coming up I've decided to do a whole week of Earth Day projects with my students. after searching Pinterest I came across an idea that I knew was doable for my classroom: a BOTTLECAP/RECYCLED LID MOSAIC of the world. I've been saving bottle caps/lids/various materials for almost a year now thinking I'd find some use for them, and I have!

My plan is to have my students work in small groups to create the mosaic. groups of 2 or 3 will work on it while the others are working on something else, then halfway through I'll switch so everyone gets a chance. My plan is to have the earth finished before Earth Day (April 22nd) so its ready to go and be hung up on my bulletin board for display. My #1 goal is to not purchase any materials for the earth. so far I've kept with that goal w/ the exception of purchasing hot glue sticks.

- Cardboard circle for the Earth
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
 - Blue/Green Recyclables
   *I used all kinds of materials for the land and water: caps, lids, beads, broken crayons, plastic bottle pieces (cut up), a cut up old t-shirt, round glass stones, glass mosaic pieces, buttons, dried out markers, cut up gift bag, cardboard pieces from blue and green packages... anything goes for this project but keep in mind that the more objects that are added, the heavier the earth will be.

I drew the outlines of the continents.
As you can see I didn't have space for all continents.
*I did a sample section so the students would know what to do.

A close up of my sample section. I colored in parts of the ocean
where I thought it'd be difficult for the students to distinguish between land and water.

The latest stage of the mosaic process. I've been having
students work in one small area and work their way outward.